An experienced neighborhood leader for District 1

(Bayside, East Bayside, Munjoy Hill, & The Islands)

Meet Todd

Todd Morse is passionate about making Portland a more affordable, safe, sustainable, walkable, bikeable, and transit-accessible city for everyone.

As the President and Founder of the Urbanist Coalition of Portland, Todd has participated in YIMBY activism and advocated for a city where owning a car is an option, not a requirement. He has collaborated with the City Council and groups with diverse viewpoints to help pass a local version of State Law LD2003 that truly allows up to four units in all of Portland’s mainland.

Todd has also been a champion for reclaiming the Franklin Street corridor from cars, and building a new vibrant neighborhood - the kind of walkable neighborhood that people love, with housing, shops, and safe pedestrian/bike infrastructure.

As a former EMT, Todd has worked directly with people experiencing mental illness, drug addiction, and the elderly. That work has given him personal experience with people navigating our healthcare, mental health, substance use treatment, and elder care systems.

Todd and his wife Emma live in the East Bayside neighborhood. They were married at Portland City Hall.

Todd & Emma

"Very few people understand municipal government like Todd does. He is ready on day-one for the tough work of a district councilor. I trust him to listen to all perspectives, to weigh the evidence, and to make the best decisions for everyone in our district. He's exactly the kind of leader that we need right now."

Joey Brunelle,
Bayside Neighborhood Resident
& Clean Elections Advocate

Proud to have the support of these community leaders:

Todd is a collaborative leader who thinks more about the “we” than about the “I” - we need leaders like that, who think about how we move things forward for everyone, even the people who aren’t in the room. He uses his lived experience and knowledge to make very complex issues more accessible.”

April Fournier,
City Councilor, At-Large

Rep. Charles Skold
House Representative District 119 (Munjoy Hill & Islands)

“Todd brings deep experience and passion for addressing Portland's housing crisis and making Portland a more sustainable and livable community for all of us. We need his voice on the City Council. I enthusiastically support him for the District 1 Council seat.”

Kim Cook,
Fmr. City Councilor

“Todd's deep understanding of housing and planning issues, and his ability to clearly communicate these, will be an asset on the council as we strive to address our housing and climate challenges. Todd works collaboratively and has proven experience engaging the public to find solutions for our communities.”

Markos Miller,
Munjoy Hill Resident,
Franklin St. Redesign Advocate

Todd will bring fresh energy to the Council and a reasoned approach to complex issues. He has a positive vision for Portland’s future and the collaborative leadership skills to be an effective district Councilor.”

Wendy Cherubini,
East End Resident

"I lived in Munjoy Hill for 6 years but was priced out of home-ownership and moved away. I like where I am now, but would have loved to stay. Todd Morse has already done more to support housing affordability than almost anyone, and he's not even on the Council. Imagine what he can do as the District 1 Councilor! I hope he will have your support."

Damon Yakovleff,
Fmr. Munjoy Hill Resident

Joey Brunelle
Bayside Neighborhood Resident,
Clean Elections Advocate

Zack Barowitz
Fmr. Charter Commissioner

Marpheen Chann
Fmr. Charter Commissioner,
Member of the Planning Board,
Local Author

Ian Jacob
Fmr. President, West End Neighborhood Association